Full of flavor, really good, refreshing taste
#114 Medrano Vineyard, Torrontes, Salta Argentina 2010 www.filuswine.com
Complex flavors, refreshing tasty and fun
#176 Cab Franc Magnotta Canada 2007
Honey raisin taste a really a good ice wine
#260 Rosenthal 2006 Cabernet, www.rosenthalestatewines.com
Sweet but a little dry but not a overpowering flavor, Plum flavors and earthy taste a very great cool weather cab.
#264 Matuco Cabernet Mendoza Argentina 2010 cornerstoneuswineimports.com
Really sweet not dry and a great flavor
$344 Tanterra, Tannat/Syrah Blend
San Jose Uruguay 2008
Sweet oak and strawberry flavors great wine for a 2008. Guess the badness of 2008 did not transfer over to the grape.
#349 Jeff Runquist Barbera, Amadour County 2009 www.jeffrunquistwines.com
Really great barbera and also an award winning wine.
#395 Tsillan Cellars, Reserve
Lake Chelan Syrah 2008
Sweet full bodied wine, full of flavor, A very unique wine that would be great with clams, mussels, steak, or ribs.