home from work I can listen to Coast to Coast AM and hear different topics and opinions. The best part is that I work weird hours so I have no traffic to deal with.
Yesterday before work I stopped to get gas and as I was refueling a homeless man came over and started to wash my front window. I was sitting in my truck watching him. He had a rough look to him, might have been a drug user, and was missing some teeth. Most people would probably be scared or want to avoid him. Many would ask him to leave. I exited my vehicle and talked with him.
I welcomed him.
“How is your day going so far?”
He said “Great we are both here breathing right?”
“Exactly, every day is a blessing”
Then he says. “I got a riddle for you and normally I charge for this one but you are a nice guy, How would you give me $63 dollars only using 6 bills and no one dollar bills and no change?”
I try to figure out the riddle with no luck and eventually he tells me the answer. I give him a handful of change. Then I say:
“Okay I got one for you, look through your change. Any silver coin before
1965 is 90% silver and worth $3-$6. And you can save it or take it to any coin dealer for cash.
I learned that you cannot judge a book by its cover. Even a homeless man can make your day better. Yesterday I attended my work meeting. I was on time and my supervisor was late. I read more of The Magic of Thinking Big. I found this quote:
“When you believe something is impossible, your mind goes to work for you to prove why. But when you believe, really believe, something can be done, your
mind goes to work for you and helps you find the ways to do it. “
Tonight I will attend my first intenders circle. (http://www.intenders.com/)
Every day I am closer to reaching my goals and each day I will take a small step towards them. Tomorrow I will let you know the answer to the riddle. He did a great job on my window by the way.