If you happen to end up in Crestline, CA this short hike is relaxing and fun. The hike is about 2 miles round trip to a small waterfall of 20 feet. Next to the falls is a heart shaped natural pool. The trail is located within Camp Seeley. If this is your first time visiting the falls it is somewhat hard to find the small waterfall. Look for the 4w07 sign to find the trailhead (located near a small parking lot on the right side of the road) Walk about a mile down the trail and look for a tree that got struck by lighting. Head down the hill to the right and you will see a group of rocks and a cliff. Assuming you are in the right location you will see the falls and the heart shape in the rock. Becareful as in order to get a good view of the falls you will have to walk to the edge of a cliff. There is a nearby path to get close to the natural pool near the falls. Did you enjoy Heart rock falls? To get there: Head east on the 210 Freeway passing the I-15 Exit Waterman Ave (Hwy 138) and head left (north) Continue north on Hwy 138 Look for the junction of Hwy 18 and 138 Take the exit on the right for Highway 138 Drive north on Highway 138 for 2.5 miles Drive through the town of Crestline and look for the entrance to Camp Seeley (about 2 miles from the center of town) Turn into the camp, drive across the river and continue on the road Look for the 4w07 sign to find the trailhead Address- 250 North Highway 138 Crestline, CA 92325 Last night I was talking to a friend about my website. He gave me many suggestions and advice to improve the camping fantastic website adventure experience.
Being somewhat of a new blog on the circuit I am still figuring out all the tricks and tools of the trade. Before starting this blog I spent most of my time camping, traveling, working, having fun, and getting into trouble. Now it is Blog time! There is wordpress, marketing, new posts, lifestyle design, outsourcing, hiring local employees, travel, second passports, website design, e books, finance, pandas, adventure, headaches, and confusion. Can I just go back to camping? And then what should I talk about on my blog? Camping, hiking, survival, travel, lifestyle design, self improvement, castles, muffins, economics? But can lifestyle design and camping intermingle? What about economics? Or travel? And only camping in California? What if I travel out of the state? Can I share my story about Martinis in San Francisco? What does my tribe want? The funny thing is that I know exactly what Camping Fantastic is meant to be. I know what direction I need to head in. I do not feel like I am steering the ship in circles. I am not sure my audience completely knows yet. So bear with us as we have some growing pains and strive to make this blog a better place. In the near future there will be a complete site redesign, a logo, slogans, all the typical stuff a blog should have. I love travel, adventure, and camping. And if I bring up Lifestyle design or economics don’t be mad at me. The goal of this website is to help you become more awesome so that you can go camping more and travel more. I hope that I can help you to discover more freedom in life. And most important just have fun! What topics would you like to see more of? You are under no obligation to buy. But I wanted to share with you some awesome products, books and other items that I have used. (affiliate link below) Thanks for your support. Have fun camping! Springtime is the best time to see the falls. A local rock quarry provides access certain dates throughout the year (http://azusarock.com/fishcreek/calendar.html). Vulcan Materials provides a free shuttle to the trailhead and free parking is available at the rock quarry. Dogs are also allowed in the shuttle vans and on the trail as long as they are on a leash. The hike is about 6 miles round trip. Most of the trail is very narrow and single file is only way to hike this trail. The trail can be crowded since it is only available about 12 days a year.
Plenty of poison oak on this trail so be careful. Remember “Leaves of Three, let it be.” (leaves-of-three-let-it-be) Although most of the trail is under shade, I recommend arriving early to avoid the heat and crowds. You will still see crowds even when arriving early (7am). Keep in mind that free shuttles stop running up to the trailhead at 11am. But don’t worry the shuttle will be there to pick you up from the hike. All hikers must return to the shuttles no later than 3pm. Along the trail you will see many wildflowers and a few interpretive signs explaining the history of the canyon. Apparently the very first residents of Duarte lived in cabins in the canyon. Ruins of the cabins can be found along the trail. This is a fairly easy hike but you will experience about 900 foot elevation gain. Even at a leisurely pace the hike should only take you about 1 hour up and a little less than a hour back down. You will want to spend some time at the falls though because the falls are super awesome. For the most part the trail is uphill in and downhill out. The three tiered waterfall is one of the most amazing that I have seen on my southern California waterfall hikes. Did you enjoy hiking at fish canyon falls? To get there: From The San Gabriel Valley: Take the I-210 west exit at Irwindale Avenue. Turn right (north) at Irwindale Avenue Turn left (west) at Foothill Blvd. Turn right (north) at Encanto Parkway. Quarry is at the end of the road. For access dates visit: http://azusarock.com/fishcreek/calendar.html All of the content on Camping Fantastic is free. At this time I do not have any paid advertising. I do recommend a few awesome affiliate products that I receive a commission on but I recommend these products because they will help you out and make your life easier. I also have used these products and I know that they are awesome.
I also sale a few of my own products on this website. At this time I am creating a series of awesome e books related to camping. I just created "Objects" a photo book featuring incredible pictures taken during my many travels. (www.campingfantastic.com/2/post/2011/04/product-launch-objects-a-photo-book.html) Chris Guillebeau’s unconventional guides are a product that I find really helpful. Here is what his guidebooks will do for you: Techniques to free yourself from the 9-5 work life. Tips on how to thrive as an artist! Steps to take if you looking to start a profitable side business. Traveling the world using frequent flier miles and receiving free flights. If you are looking for an awesome guide that will help you in your quest for world domination then look to these unconventional guides. It is possible that the skills you learn in his guides will help you to earn some extra money, travel more, and free up extra time for camping or whatever else you are into. Please click on the link below and browse through the many helpful guides on the Art of non-conformity site. Do not feel pressured into buying something. I just know that these guides can help and I wanted to share them with my readers. So if you are interested click on the banner below for more information. Otherwise continue reading Camping Fantastic and I welcome all your comments and concerns. Have an awesome week! Cheers, Brian White Welcome! Right now there are 174 Camping Fantastic lovers just like you who are reading this blog. I haven’t gone out and tried to become a “bigshot” in the camping universe. So this underground blog must be getting spread around by word of mouth. If you like what you read please share with a friend or leave a comment. And if you are new to Camping Fantastic website please join the super awesome Camping Fantastic adventure club and receive email updates and even invitations to Top Secret campouts (California only at this time). You can also follow us on twitter or facebook. At the time of this writing we have over 170 awesome people just like you following Camping Fantastic on twitter or facebook. Join me on my journey and become a part of the Camping Fantastic community. Look below and add me to Facebook or follow me on Twitter. As always comments are welcomed and encouraged. Cheers, Brian White Camping Fantastic Wait in line to cross a river? I think not! - Exploring Eaton Canyon Falls (near Pasadena CA)4/8/2011 A 3 mile hike (round trip) with a mild elevation gain. At the end of the hike is an amazing 50-foot waterfall and natural pool.
When I hiked up Eaton Canyon it was very crowded. The parking lot was even full and only street parking was available. You will have to cross the river several times and you will get wet. Many people waited in a line to cross the river only to balance on a log and probably still get wet. I just walked right in and crossed the river. The cold water was refreshing. Later on the trail you will come to a fork in the trail. Some scumbag tagged the sign pointing to the falls and it may be hard to see the sign. Take the trail under the bridge and after a short hike up the canyon you will see the magnificent falls. To get there: From the San Fernando Valley 101 south to 134 east to 210 east exit for Altadena Dr Turn left at N Altadena Dr Destination will be on the right: 1750 N Altadena Dr, Altadena, CA 91001 It has been over a year since you had a good job, or you hate your current job. Food prices are going up, travel seems expensive and gas is over $4 a gallon. All you can think about is getting away from it all. But last time you went camping you spent way too much on food and other expenses. You are now creating excuses why you can’t go camping. I don’t have some magic solution to make your life easier but I did discover a website that has made my life a little easier and reduced my food costs while camping. It has also made me better prepared for emergencies. The website is appropriately called www.beprepared.com. At Emergency Essentials they sell long-term food storage kits, emergency kits and many other items.
Camping is something I do for many reasons- to meditate, to see nature, to get away, to explore a new location, to spend time with friends, and most important to have fun. Why do you go camping? (Leave a comment below) You could also say that camping is great for survival training, even car camping. It gets you in the practice of being prepared for anything and all types of weather. There are other sites similar to Emergency Essentials (beprepared.com) but it is one of my favorites. I recommend purchasing a 72 hour survival kit to keep in your vehicle at all times. The kit should include food, water, and first aid supplies. I purchased mine at www.essentialpacks.com for less than $40. Your kit may contain survival bars (a brick like food bar that is 400-3600 calories) or other food. A 3600 calorie bar is nice to have in your kit but most survival bars taste gross. Your food storage does not have to be gross. On most survival sites they sell a MRE (a meal ready to eat). These military style meals are actually quite tasty. The MRE is a great way to add to your food storage or camping kit. Meals are affordable at $1-$4 a meal. And additions like peanut butter or lemonade are priced at only 40-50 cents. Not quite surf and turf but for the price the meals are very delicious. The fudge brownie with chocolate chips and chili macaroni are my favorites. Be prepared even sells items as low as 4 cents. Yes 4 cents! It may be a tongue depressor for 4 cents, a fingertip bandage for 15 cents, cheese spread for 75 cents, or a gauze pad for 11 cents, but where else can you buy anything for 4-75 cents? I had to buy a tiny bandage out of principle just for this reason. So now that you bought your survival kit and some MREs or other food, you are ready for anything. Maybe you even bought some gold and silver just in case (see below for website). You are now ready for anything. You are free to take on the world. And best of all you spent less than a $100, and you even have cheese spread and a tiny bandage. So stop worrying, be prepared, relax, and go explore the world. No excuses now. Do some camping! You deserve it. New items in the Camp Store! http://www.campingfantastic.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage www.beprepared.com The Smart Kit www.essentialpacks.com Buy Gold and Silver www.gainesvillecoins.com Have you ever seen something that grabs your attention and stands out, something so amazing that you must take a picture? This is the way I often feel. Whenever I travel, camp, hike, or explore a new area I often take pictures of random objects more than people. People are amazing but sometimes random objects fascinate me.
Many of my friends make fun of me saying- "Brian, Did you travel with any people?" "Did you camp with any people?" To avoid criticism I have included more and more people in my photos, however I just created a photo book that features some of the random objects I found fascinating during my travels. The photo book is called "Objects" It celebrates the random objects I have taken pictures of in my adventures. The "Objects" inside the book: Front cover: Highway 79 near Julian, California Page 2- (Top right) Inside a mud cave in Arroyo Tapiado, California, (Bottom right) A light in San Francisco, California Page 3- Tunnel in San Francisco, California Page 4- Stuck house on the 101 Freeway in Hollywood, California Page 5- Deer Grazing in Yosemite Valley, California Page 6- Amsterdam, The Netherlands Page 7- Phallic walkway in Amsterdam, The Netherlands Page 8- Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic Page 9- Munich, Germany Page 10- Boats in the Grand Canal, Venice, Italy Page 11- Gondolas, Venice, Italy Page 12- Italian Birds Page 13- Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy Page 14- Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, California Page 15- The battle of the Chipmunks, Yosemite, California Page 16- Bridge of the Angels, Rome Italy Page 17- Inside The Vatican, Italy Page 18- Ruins, Rome, Italy Page 19- Bike rack, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California Page 20- A light in San Francisco, California Back Cover- Strange language on a mattress, Haight/Ashbury, San Francisco, California This photo book is a great addition to any coffee table. If you are interested in previewing or purchasing this book please go to: www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/2080624 |
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Text and photography copyright 2011 by Brian S White, all rights reserved. |