Being somewhat of a new blog on the circuit I am still figuring out all the tricks and tools of the trade. Before starting this blog I spent most of my time camping, traveling, working, having fun, and getting into trouble.
Now it is Blog time!
There is wordpress, marketing, new posts, lifestyle design, outsourcing, hiring local employees, travel, second passports, website design, e books, finance, pandas, adventure, headaches, and confusion.
Can I just go back to camping?
And then what should I talk about on my blog?
Camping, hiking, survival, travel, lifestyle design, self improvement, castles, muffins, economics?
But can lifestyle design and camping intermingle? What about economics? Or travel? And only camping in California? What if I travel out of the state? Can I share my story about Martinis in San Francisco? What does my tribe want?
The funny thing is that I know exactly what Camping Fantastic is meant to be. I know what direction I need to head in. I do not feel like I am steering the ship in circles. I am not sure my audience completely knows yet.
So bear with us as we have some growing pains and strive to make this blog a better place. In the near future there will be a complete site redesign, a logo, slogans, all the typical stuff a blog should have.
I love travel, adventure, and camping. And if I bring up Lifestyle design or economics don’t be mad at me.
The goal of this website is to help you become more awesome so that you can go camping more and travel more. I hope that I can help you to discover more freedom in life.
And most important just have fun!
What topics would you like to see more of?