The trail features some unique sights such as:
Urban Farm at Stapleton
Sand Creek Park
Bluff Lake Nature Center
Star K Ranch Natural Area
Old Stapleton Airport runway tunnels
Morrison Nature Center
Near the Smith Road trail head is where you will find evidence of the old runway tunnels of the Stapleton airport. Next to the trail you will see a section near the creek with two large concrete walls on either side. The tops of the runway tunnels were removed, but the large concrete walls still remain.
Down the street from the Smith Road trail head near the intersection of Central Park Blvd. And Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. you can see the old control tower of the Stapleton Airport. (The tower is located off Uinta St.) It looks strange in the center of houses of the new Stapleton community.
There are some trail closures and detours because of construction for the new light rail system and repairs for the damage caused by the floods last year. It was even a little hard for me to find the trail heads because of construction. It would be a good idea to visit the Sand Creek Greenway website for updates (
More details:
Old Airports of Denver: