you enjoyed it.
Yesterday I attended the Intenders of the highest good meeting. It was
located as a secluded tree covered house in Culver City. Finding the old
apartment complex was like walking into a fairy tale. (
It was valuable and unique and different than a normal day of wasting time on
the computer. We watched the film about the group explaining the process
and then we meditated and shared our intentions with the circle. Paul
organizes The Intenders group in Los Angeles and he is a fascinating
character. He is also a monk. I asked him what he does for a living
and this was his response:
"I made enough money in real estate and property management and now I am retired and I live my life as a monk."
The meditation session left my whole body tingling and I really got the
chance to think differently and visualize my life in the way it will be. I
intend to make big things happen this year and I know that it is possible to
shape your own reality. It was certainly a more eventful day then wasting
time on Facebook.
Today I am going to read more and pack for my weekend trip to Las
Vegas. It is raining now and the rain is quite soothing. It is time
to make the most out of today.